
August 20, 2021 to October 16, 2021

In times of death and grief, quilts convey—without words—messages of solace, solidarity, and support to the receivers. At times, groups use quilts to express themselves as a community of support to others who have experienced loss. In addition, as both objects of art and as stitched documents, quilts convey compelling messages to viewers when displayed in public spaces.

September 29, 2021 to December 18, 2021

Cultural institutions, such as museums, have suffered loss of revenue due to temporary closure to the public during the global COVID-19 pandemic. In response, Astrid Hilger Bennett, a printmaker and fiber artist, embarked on a significant project in mid-2020. The full-sized quilts she created utilizing 30-years-worth of her hand-dyed, hand-painted, and hand-printed textiles will benefit cultural institutions and non-profits who have been affected by the pandemic.

Pumphrey Family Gallery
September 29, 2021 - December 18, 2021

March 20, 2021

Traditionally on National Quilting Day at the International Quilt Museum, we line the Reception Hall railing with quilts made by members of our local quilt guilds and community.

For this year's virtual National Quilting Day celebration, we asked some of our volunteers and staff members to share quilts from their personal collections. Some of these quilts were made by the volunteer or staff member. Some are cherished keepsakes. 

Each has a story.

We hope you will enjoy this National Quilting Day Community Showcase Virtual Pop-Up.

January 5, 2021 to June 13, 2021

Some of the most visually intriguing quilts are surprisingly simple. Such quilts may feature one basic shape, as in the Tumbling Block and Nine Patch quilts displayed nearby, or only two colors, as in the Oak Leaf variation and Log Cabin quilts. Rather than restricting design, these characteristics provide nearly unlimited license to create patterned surfaces, the illusion of a third dimension, and subtle shifts from light to dark. 

February 1, 2021 to February 28, 2021

In this second annual collaboration with Lincoln’s NAACP Youth Council, the International Quilt Museum is featuring a virtual pop-up that pairs the work of African American quiltmakers with responses from local students in Lincoln Public Schools. The students examined quilts by Sarah Mary Taylor, Nora McKeown Ezell, Mary Maxtion, Yvonne Wells and Faith Ringgold, and crafted reaction statements that explore ideas of design, color and emotion, as well as connections to their own life experiences.

January 6, 2021 to June 5, 2021

Amish quilts captured the interest of New York art dealers and collectors in the early 1970s because of their similarities to modern abstract painting. Soon, they were adorning the interiors of urban lofts and spread across the pages of home decorating magazines. Classic Amish styles are among the most recognizable and copied of American quilt styles.

June 30, 2021 to September 25, 2021

"My involvement with the cyanotype process began in the summer of 2014 while I was teaching a collage workshop at Anderson Ranch in Snowmass Village, Colorado. A fellow instructor working in the next studio incorporated cyanotype into her experimental drawing curriculum. Her students placed objects and film negatives on photo sensitized paper for brief exposures to the Colorado sun. As I watched them work, it occurred to me that one could also make cyanotype prints with paper cutouts.

February 26, 2021 to August 7, 2021

Immediately after Abstract Design in American Quilts closed in October 1971, venues around the world requested to borrow the exhibition from collector-curators Jonathan Holstein and Gail van der Hoof. The quilts’ most distant trip was to Japan in 1975-1976. It was a journey that would produce reverberations for the next several decades.

March 5, 2021 to August 7, 2021

New York Nexus presents the work of eight artists directly influenced in their studio practice by the Abstract Design in American Quilts exhibition in its original Whitney Museum setting or in other venues during the early 1970s. Most of these artists were working in painting, printmaking, and collage at the time.

April 2, 2021 to August 7, 2021

Since the early 1800s, the most common place to see quilts displayed—other than on beds—was in women’s exhibits at state and county agricultural fairs. For more than two centuries, quilts have remained objects intimately connected with women’s lives. By the 1970s, however, art museums opened exhibitions that recognized quilts as objects of art for their audiences.


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